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News from 2020-2023

October 26th, 2023

EXRS Seminar Series

Today we welcome our friend and colleague Dr. Milap Sandhu to campus as our EXRS Seminar Series speaker. We heard about the outstanding studies being performed at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab and critical feedback on our new and ongoing studies. Thanks Dr. Sandhu!

October 21st, 2023

WI Midbrains Conference

Three students represented the lab this weekend by attending and presenting posters at the Midwest Regional undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience in Green Bay. 

October 12th, 2023

EXRS Seminar Series

Haozhi Huang gave a great summary of his project and data looking the role of a potent supplement to reduce inflammation after spinal cord injury at today's Exercise and Rehabilitation Science Seminar Series.

October 8th, 2023

WI APTA Conference

Congrats to one of our talented DPT students who show cased her work at the Wisconsin American Physical Therapy Association Conference in Wisconsin Dells this past weekend.

October 1st, 2023

Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation

Faculty and students from the Department of Physical Therapy and clinicians from the Neurorecovery Clinic at MU joined the annual Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation Run/Walk to raise money and awareness for spinal cord injury Research. 

September 14th, 2023

URISE Scholar

Shout out to one of our new lab members Amanda for being selected as a U-RISE scholar. This preeminent undergraduate research training scholarship program will surely provide a great foundation to a career in biomedical science research!

August 27th, 2023

Welcome new students

With the start of the semester near, we welcome three new students to the lab. Rachel, Peyton and Amanda. We are excited to initiate new projects and add new skills, diversity, and female scientists to the lab!


August 8th, 2023

Mary McMillan Scholarship Award

Previous lab member, Carrie Schmitz received the American Physical therapy Association Mary McMillan Scholarship Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the society. Congrats Carrie!

May 18th, 2023

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Funding

We are so excited and honored to receive funding from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation for spinal cord injury research. The funded projects will focus on recording phrenic afferent activity after spinal injury and using Adeno-associated viral approaches to manipulate afferent activity to improve breathing after injury. 



May 11th, 2023

Open Position

We are looking for motivated individual to fill a full-time lab technician position in the Streeter Lab. This individual will work as part of a team exploring mechanisms of plasticity and an exciting area of respiratory neural control: afferent mediated changes in respiratory motor output. More details on this position can be found here:  

May 4th, 2023

Carley's new adventure

Although we are so sad to see her go, we are so proud that Carley was accepted to the Medical College of Wisconsin and will be starting her new adventure.

April 21st, 2023

APS Summit

What an outstanding  meeting in Long Beach CA. Dr. Taylor Holmes was awarded the Respiration Section Research Recognition Award, Nicole Popp's received an abstract distinction, and Dr. Streeter shared some of our work at the annual Respiration Section Mixer. 



March 7th, 2023

PhD candidate

Dr. Taylor Holmes successfully passed his proposal defense and is now officially a PhD Candidate in the Exercise and Rehabilitation Science PhD Program. This was definitely a proud mentor moment!

February 24th, 2023

Three Minute Thesis competition

Carley did an outstanding job sharing her research at the annual Three Minute Thesis competition. Way to go Carly! 

February 10th, 2023

Featured article

Each year the College of Health Sciences publishes a magazine highlighting accomplishments and activities of members in our college. We are honored that this year our lab was featured alongside our colleagues for our work on spinal cord injury.​​

February 7th, 2023

Dr. Taylor Holmes receives the APTA Acute Care Research Seed Grant Award

A big congratulations goes to Dr. Taylor Holmes as he was selected to receive the 2022 Research Seed Grant from the APTA Acute Care. @TaylorCHolmes

January 17th, 2023

New manuscript available online

Our report describing a novel form of respiratory plasticity induced by activation of phrenic afferents during diaphragm pacing is now available online. A big congrats to my team! 

December 19th, 2022

Taylor passes his DQE

Taylor has successfully passed the first of two qualifying exams required for the  Exercise and Rehabilitation Science Program here at MU. Congratulations Taylor, this is a huge achievement. One down, one to go!

December 10th, 2022

Haozhi Huang joins the lab

We are thrilled to welcome Haozhi Huang aka "Frank" to the lab. Frank comes to us with a basic science background with experience in rehabilitation. Welcome Frank!

December 8th, 2022

American Physiology Summit meeting

The Streeter lab crew has officially submitted two abstracts to the inaugural APS meeting.  We are excited to share our new data and catch up with colleagues. Long Beach here we come!

December 1st, 2022

Nicole accepted into graduate school!

Seems like we've had lots of exciting news these last few months, most recently is the news of Nicole being accepted into a top Neuroscience graduate degree program. Nicole helped establish our lab and collected data for several manuscripts. We are sure sad to see her go, but know there's a bright future waiting for her.

November 15th, 2022

Carley accepted into medical school and awarded a scholarship!

A big congrats goes to Carley who recently heard she was accepted into medical school and also received a scholarship to enable her to continue to pursue her career path. We will miss you Carley, but we're excited to see where this journey takes you.


September 29th, 2022

Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement Program at Marquette

Marquette has a brand new immersive 2 year research-training program offering competitive pay with the goal of developing a diverse group of undergraduates who complete their baccalaureate degree, and transition into and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.). If you are an undergraduate thinking about biomedical focused research, check it out! Majors in multiple disciplines are accepted. 



September 19th, 2022

Dean's Award for Research by a Young Investigator

I am humbled and honored to have recently been awarded the Dean's Award for Research by a Young Investigator in recognition of outstanding commitment and dedication to excellence in research. A big thank you to everyone in the lab, I wouldn't have received this award without your dedication and hard work!

September 9th, 2022

Lab Logo Contest

We each spent the summer dreaming up lab logos and we finally unveiled the winner. A big congrats goes to Kaylyn! Your hand drawn neurons were a hit! 


September 1st, 2022

National PT Student Honor Society

Carrie was recently accepted into the National PT Student Honor Society. This society recognizes students demonstrating excellence, integrity, and professionalism. Congratulations Carrie!



August 13th, 2022

Showing support for Wisconsin Adaptive Sports Association

We showed up and participated in the WASA 400 to help raise money for adaptive sports equipment for those in need around the state. The goal was to complete a lofty goal of 400 miles in two hours. We worked hard and managed to complete 167 miles! 

July 1st, 2022

Welcome Tony!

We are so excited to add Tony to our research group. We can't wait to see this partnership in action!

June 23rd, 2022

Way to go Nicole!

Nicole has been awarded a scholarship to attend the "Neuroanatomical Dissection Course: Human Brain and Spinal Cord" . Each Summer students and faculty gather to learn about the central nervous system through a three-day dissection and functional anatomy course held here at MU.

June 8th, 2022


Taylor has received a scholarship to attend the 17th PT Education Leadership Conference.  Taylor has a passion for physical therapy education and will spend three days participating in this conference designed for physical therapy educators. 

May 17th, 2022

Summer is Here.

The semester is officially complete! Grades are in and now it's time to get in the lab for a summer of research. We have several projects we are working to make progress on including testing stimulation parameters for our chronic diaphragm pacing studies and investigating the mechanisms that give rise to plasticity following acute phrenic afferent stimulation. 

April 1st, 2022

Experimental Biology

We packed our bags and headed to Philly to the final Experimental Biology meeting. We saw some of the sites around the city, took embarrassing lab photos, Nicole presented her first poster (and did an outstanding job), and we spent some much needed time catching up with colleagues. So excited for the inaugural American Physiological Society Meeting next Spring in Long Beach CA!

Feb 28th, 2022

Taylor wins runner up at 3MT

Taylor competed at this year's three minute thesis competition and took runner up. 

Jan 19th, 2022

Data set complete

Nicole finished collecting and analyzing her first data set for publication! This is a major accomplishment and is the result of a little luck and a lot of hard work. Job well done Nicole!

Jan 5th, 2022

Carley awarded a scholarship

Congratulations goes to Carley who was recently awarded the Dr. Henry Ashe Continuing Education Scholarship. Way to go Carley.

Jan 3rd, 2022

Lab Member Milestone

Congratulations to Taylor on completing and submitting his first external grant application! Good luck!

January 1st, 2022

Welcome Kaylyn!

The lab continues to grow! We are thrilled to officially welcome Kaylyn Schwichtenberg to the lab. We were lucky to have Kaylyn as an intern in the fall semester and are so excited she has chosen to stay with us. Kaylyn is a junior at Marquette and is finishing the undergraduate portion of her degree prior to entering the DPT program next year.




August 31st, 2021

Welcome to the lab! 

We are thrilled to welcome Carley Hintz into the lab for her Master's work in the Exercise and Rehabilitation Science program. Carley is a member of the accelerated Master's program at Marquette and will be a great addition to our team. 

August 1st, 2021

Welcome Carrie!

We are thrilled to add Carrie Schmitz to our research team. Carrie is a 5th year DPT student at Marquette and we are excited to have her for the next two years. 


July 13th, 2021

New Manuscript

Results from our study exploring the cardiorespiratory effect of phrenic afferent activation is now available. Read it here: PMID: 34788165. This study used electrical stimulation applied to the whole phrenic nerve to activate phrenic afferents while monitoring contralateral phrenic motor output and cardiovascular parameters including blood pressure and heart rate. We provide evidence that activating phrenic afferents enhances respiratory motor output.

June 1st, 2021

Welcome to the lab!

This week we welcome Ben Kennedy, an undergraduate from Wooster University in Ohio to the lab. Ben was selected to participate in Marquette Universities' Summer Undergraduate Research Program. He will spend the next 10 weeks working in the lab. 

May 12th, 2021

Congratulations to Taylor on his recent achievement!

Taylor has been awarded a 2021 Dean's Research Enhancement Award to support the submission for extramural funding on work investigating chronic diaphragm stimulation. 

Jan 1st, 2021

Welcome Taylor!

We are thrilled to welcome Taylor into the lab for his graduate studies in the Exercise and Rehabilitation Science PhD Program. As a Physical Therapist, Taylor joined with a background in rehabilitation and interest in cardiorespiratory control.

For information about the PhD Program see: 

June 16th 2020

Welcome aboard Nicole!

Today is Nicole's first official day as a research technician in the lab.  

June 15th 2020

New Manuscript available online

We are excited to announce that our study on spinal cord injury in the African spiny mouse is now available online. African spiny mice are a unique mammal which have little to no scarring or fibrosis after skin and muscle injury. Our study extended these observations by showing molecular and immunohistochemical evidence of reduced spinal inflammation and fibrosis following spinal cord injury. Read it here: 

March 25th 2020

NIH Pathway to Independence Grant (R00) awarded March 2020

We are thrilled to receive critical funds to continue our work looking at phrenic afferents following cervical spinal cord injury. 

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